But, will my poor friend enjoy the same rich, sportbike riding experience that people who own 600-1000cc sportbikes have?
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I posed this question, and urged that if they want a "beginner" sportbike, to consider the SV 650 or a used Yamaha R6. While not much more expensive than the Yamaha YZF, Ninja 250, 500, Suzuki Katana, riding bikes 600cc or above will "get you in the door," and "allow you to play with the cool kids." There's nothing better than shooting the ish' with other riders at various pit stops and sharing stories about top speed, coolest cop story, and passing the noob riding the GSXR 1000 on the outside of the off camber turn four at the track! You'd hear the word "250" and reminisce back to your high-school days where you had a 100cc Honda dirtbike and wanted the CR250, or you might remember the shorty short hot girl taking off the helmet while straddling her Ninja 500. Hot girl, YES! Wack sportbike, Doh! It just doesn't send the conversation off in the right direction; the tone is all wrong.
Now I'm sure a ton of you will be like, "there are tons of great reasons to buy a 250cc Ninja!" While I've never ridden a 250 sportbike, I did ride a 250cc cruiser (the Honda Rebel) when I was 15 on the street, and the excitement of riding it died like a deer being obliterated by a Soccer Mom driving a Suburban full of spoiled 9-year old whining kids. Riding a 250cc is just not the same kinda sportbike riding fun.
I do, however, know a guy who rode his Ninja 250 and smoked me on the street. But I don't know, however, if this was due to more skill, more huevos, or more stupidity. If I owned one, I'd just be scared to death that the soccer mom who made dear meat out of Bambi would then be bitching to her insurance agent on the phone and while she headed right towards me, I'd have that bastard pinned and feel no response. Bambi and I would both have the same fate.
So, now that you're a proud owner of a Ninja 250, just don't come crying to me in a week when you're pissed that you got cut off by the Geo Metro that whizzed by you on the freeway...oh wait, that doesn't make any sense..., Ninja 250s can't go on the freeway.
p.s. Shepster, you're so much more of a man in so many other ways...I'll forgive this minor lack of judgment and patiently await the purchase of your next sportbike :)